Wednesday, July 1, 2020

"Midweek and Here We Are" Pastor Cindy's Devotion 07/01/2020


The world has shifted.  (Can I get an amen?) So much of what we knew and did just a few months ago has changed.

One of the biggest changes is that we are no longer present to one another in the way we once were.

Our children are not present at swimming pools and summer camp the way they were last summer.

We no longer sit down at the coffee shop and spend an hour chatting with a friend, present to hear what’s happening in their lives.

We no longer sit together in worship among our friends.

Even being present for a doctor’s appointment has changed.  My last checkup with a doctor was a zoom visit.

We used to move through crowds of people at the Farmers Market or the State Fair, aware of people around us but completely unconcerned that being so close to someone could threaten our health.

As we hear of states “opening up” what is happening is that people get to again be present with one another.  In bars, on beaches, and at events, people can once again stand close to one another, see each other’s faces.

Regardless of what is opening up, there is a pandemic happening, and that life-threatening reality shadows over our activities.  We make conscious decisions about what we can and can’t do for our health and the health of others.

Until we lost it, I never realized what a gift being present to one another is.  More than a gift, I think being present to one another is life-giving. We have a God-designed need to see one another’s face and hear each other’s voices.  To be human is to share our lives with others.  There is no such thing as a virtual kiss.  A kiss requires presence. A kiss requires human contact.

Last night our bible study class #JustRead met.  We meet by zoom.  (You are invited.  Reply to this email and I will include you in the zoom login info.)  Many of the people in #JustRead have never met one another in person.  If you have not zoomed, it is a good tool because it lets you see one another and hear each other’s voice.

But it is also frustrating.  We see each other in one dimension.  Only one person can speak at a time.  The system is sound activated and that means we can not all laugh at once.  A week ago we tried to sing “Happy Birthday” and that didn’t work.

And yet, despite its limitations, we are forming a community.  The power of being present to one another cheers us. If someone is missing we miss them.  We have started to look at the background behind each person, and we ask about their setting.  We have met some of our pets.  It is as though there is something in us that wants to know others and we know others by being present with them.

This Sunday we are going to explore this idea of being present in two ways. 

On Sunday morning during our 9:30 on line worship, we will share in Holy Communion.  There is a great deal of debate about whether communion should be offered online.  Communion IS the presence of God within in the presence of community.  By definition, we must be together to share in Holy Communion.  But I wonder how God regards our being together.  Paul wrote in Philippians that the same mind should be in us that was in Christ.  Can we be of one mind even if we are not in one room?  Is the table Christ invites us to bigger than any table made by human hands?

On Sunday morning before worship, I would like you to think about presence as you prepare for communion.  You will need to have some sort of bread and juice ready.  And I also encourage you to create a special place.  If there are children in your home, have them help you.  Explain to them what you are doing as you prepare a small altar.  You could include a candle or flowers, something that reminds you that God is present.  I would also ask you to pray for others.  Bring them to mind even if they can’t be present.  Create a community around your place of communion.

That’s one event happening this Sunday.  The other event happening this Sunday is much different.

Sunday at 6 pm we will have Taste and See! Parking Lot Worship. We will meet in our parking lot for ice cream and worship.  Outside Scoops Ice Cream Truck will arrive at 6 pm bringing 7 flavors of homemade FREE ice cream.  From 6-6:30 we will eat ice cream.  From 6:30-7, we will worship.  Our praise band will provide the music.  Scripture for the night comes from Psalm 34.  Read Pathways for more details.

This is a different way of being present.  It sounds like a party—and there is always an element of celebration in worship, but we will still be conscious of the pandemic.  We will still mask and social distance.  We are setting up special parking for those who want to remain in their cars.  And not everyone will be comfortable coming to this event.  Please feel free to assess your level of comfort and do what feels right for you.

Communion at a distance from one another.  Parking lot worship.

The world has changed.  And yet, what remains the same?

The church, a people inspired by Christ to care about the world.

The longing in each of us to know one another and share our lives.

The presence of God holding our lives together.

That has not changed.

Pastor Cindy
Pastor Cindy Hickman
West Des Moines United Methodist Church
720 Grand Ave
West Des Moines, Iowa 50265

Like us on Facebook or visit us at

We worship on-line at 9:30 on Sunday mornings and post our worship all week long. 
And this Sunday, you are invited to Parking Lot Worship at 6 pm. We are looking for Parking Lot Guides and ice Cream Runners if you would like to help.  Reply to this email!
Read Pathways for more details!

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