Tuesday, June 23, 2020

"Midweek and the Light Shines On" Pastor Cindy's Devotion 06/23/2020

Hello everyone—

Confession:  when the pandemic began my faith was overshadowed by my fear and anxiety.  There was so much uncertainty.  No one knew when or how the pandemic would end.  We weren’t sure how rapidly the virus would spread.  We wondered how we would get groceries.  How would we be the church?  What would we do if we couldn’t worship together on Sunday mornings?  Big worries and little petty worries about things like haircuts and toilet paper (maybe that isn’t so petty.)

Does “anxiety take-over” ever happen to you?  Our minds become so full of what can go wrong, that there is no space for what can go right?  Anxiety is both a national sport and a national addiction.
But even in the worst moments, when my faith was shaken, I was still certain that there would be blessings, that God would draw good from the chaos and the uncertainty.

It has taken a while, but those blessings are becoming more apparent.

Our church council voted to allow AA to meet in our building again.  There was very little discussion.  Someone said AA needed to meet. Other heads on our zoom meeting nodded.  The council voted and AA will begin again in a few weeks.  Why?  Because AA helps people and it is important and the people of our church see that, even in this time of pandemic and worry.  Perhaps especially in this time of pandemic and worry when isolation fuels addictions.

Food goes out of our doors every day.  Every day.  We feed children and their families.  This ministry seems even more important these days, defining us in ministry when we can no longer be defined as the people who gather in the pews every Sunday morning.

Our prayer ministry is busy.  Who is hurting? How can we surround them in prayer? 

The prayer shawl team is making field trips to homes to deliver a prayer shawls to people who blow them kisses from the window.

Today we will sing happy birthday on a zoom meeting.  Some of the people have never met each other in person, and yet we see each other once a week and are happy to celebrate a birthday.

A few weeks ago we met in the parking lot to congratulate the graduating seniors.  Smiles, honking horns.  A small celebration and I still smile when I think about it.

Driveway conversations have built friendships.  Every friendship has become more precious.  We have become more aware of loneliness.

Last week the midweek devotion became a daily exercise reflecting on racism.  People sent stories of their experiences and book suggestions and asked really good questions. 

On Sunday at 11:45, we are invited to gather with the Imani Church (masks! And social distancing!) to take a knee, a humble moment.  Would we have pondered the race issue if we had not been facing the pandemic?  I don’t know.  Would we have met with our Imani neighbors?  Probably not.  God and God’s mysterious ways.

Someone wants to help.  Someone wants to help.  Someone wants to help…I hear that often.
Today, hope has nudged out worry.  Faith tells me we can do this.  We are doing this. 

Yesterday during the thunderstorm, the eternal light in the sanctuary was struck by lightning and burned up.  There was no damage to anything other than the light.  Today, with the help of an electrician, it is burning again.

And it feels like God has said: “See, Cindy?” The light shines on.  Watch for the blessings.

In this uncertain time, the light shines on.

Thank you for being the church.

Pastor Cindy
Pastor Cindy Hickman
West Des Moines United Methodist Church
720 Grand Ave
West Des Moines, Iowa 50265

Like us on Facebook (and see pictures from the fire!) or visit us at wdmumc.org

We worship on-line at 9:30 on Sunday mornings!

This week at WDMUMC:
Join in solidarity with the Imani Church on Sunday at 11:45!  Gather on the sidewalk around our church.  We will celebrate that we are one people!  Bring a lawn chair, wear a mask, and plan to social distance.

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