Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Passionate Commitment

{You can download Dr. Daniel's sermon notes worksheet by clicking above}

For our Sunday Fall Kick-Off, Dr. Daniel once again brought an inspiring and challenging sermon from John 21:15-19.  It's perhaps a well-known story, but Dr. Daniel brought critical insight as he talked about "Passionate Commitment."  

It's the story where Jesus appears to ask Peter the same question three times (although each one was a little different), "Simon (Peter), do you love me?" We often ace this question, "Yes, God I love you! I LOOOOOVE you God!" That comes pretty easy because it's usually true and it just involves our words. 

In His conversation with Peter, Jesus wanted to know that Peter was passionate about his (Peter's) love for Him (Jesus). But Jesus isn't looking for empty words, or even a warm-fuzzy feeling, he calls Peter to action. 

"Feed my lambs" 

"Tend my flock" 

"Feed my sheep" 

"Follow me"

That's what loving Jesus is about. 

What does it really mean to love God with passion?  It means: to struggle with those who are suffering; to stand with those who are in desperate need; to seek abundant life for those who are lost; to respond to those who are less fortunate; to take risks in faith, with love and with hope; to take up our cross and follow Him; to give sacrificially.  What are some ways you are passionately in love with Christ?  How is God calling you to respond and act in tangible ways because of your passionate love for Christ?

Gene Kelsey, Director of Christian Education
Jen Hibben, Associate Pastor

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