Monday, September 17, 2012


Compassion.  That's one of the components Dr. Daniel spoke about in last Sunday's sermon, "The Call of Christ."  From Mark 7 we read a simple story with a great message about a deaf man whom Jesus healed.  Although the primary mission of Jesus was to announce the coming of God's Kingdom to the world, and to form a new community called the Body of Christ, as a man of compassion, Jesus did everything He could to bring healing and wholeness.  There are three elements we can draw from this episode:  1.  Christ's compassion.  Jesus could never turn away people in need.  We read that the people begged Jesus to touch and heal the deaf man.  2.  Christ's competence.  Not only did Jesus care that people were in need, but He also had the power to help them -- body, soul and spirit.  Jesus brought power into people's lives.  3. Christ's call and commission.  We are called to be agents of compassion!  For reflection and prayer:  Have you experienced a compassionate Christ in your life?  Do you feel like you can go to Him whenever you are in need?  Have you experienced Christ's power to set you free from whatever you are struggling?  How is Christ calling you to a service of compassion to the least, the lowliest and the lost?  How do you think God is calling our/your church to be a Center of Healing and Compassion to our neighbors?

Gene Kelsey, Director of Christian Education

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