Wednesday, November 11, 2020

"Midweek: Looking for Shelter" Pastor Cindy's Devotion 11/11/2020



"A holy place." "A place of refuge."  "A hideaway."  "An oasis."  "A haven." "A shelter."    

Life is coming at us, isn’t it?  The pandemic is unrelenting.  Yesterday the Governor held a press conference urging Iowans to take greater precautions to mitigate the spread of the virus.  Our bishop, Bishop Laurie Haller, has directed United Methodist Churches to halt in-person activities.  Our local schools are trying to find the best plan for their students and staff.  I am hearing reports from the people of our church of loved ones testing positive for the virus. It feels like the heat is being turned up, again. 

Lots and lots to think about and process and ponder and worry. There are plans to make for sure….but right now, I just want an hour or so of sanctuary. To quote a line from a Bob Dylan song, I am looking for a “shelter from the storm.”

Where and how are you finding your shelter?  I know people who are baking, and there they find shelter.  Some people are reading books or playing the piano.  With all those leaves that covered our lawns in the last week, maybe raking can be a little sanctuary.  A walk in the evening.  Playing with the dog.  Calling a friend.  Going for a drive. 

Whatever is happening in your life, I want you to know two things. 

First, I am feeling it too—the too-much that is coming at us. 

Second, I hope each day, in some part of each day, you are finding some sort of sanctuary, some oasis where your soul can rest a little. 

This is more that we can handle on our own.  It is actually more than we can handle together.  But, it is not more than we can handle if we look to God.  Today, do what your soul needs.  If you need it, allow yourself to shelter a bit, rest, renew, refresh. 

And, then we can face the storm again, God leading. 


Pastor Cindy

Pastor Cindy Hickman

West Des Moines United Methodist Church
720 Grand Ave
West Des Moines Iowa, 50265

Like us on Facebook or visit us at  And join in worship on Sunday morning at 9:30 online and posted all week long. 

This Week At WDMUMC

The Little Food Pantry continues to provide food for our neighbors every day.  If you would like to drop off donations, you can simply leave them at the lower level doors.  Many thanks to Jane who takes care of this ministry every day.

Everybody Eats!  On Monday our Midweek Refuel team dropped off meals for 40 families in need at Hillside Elementary.  This had been planned for the school holiday break in December, but there was concern that the school might close due to the pandemic.  And if school closed there would be no way to get the food to the families.  Facing that uncertainty, the Midweek Refuel Team flew into action and within a few days, food was purchased and packed and delivered.  Jesus asked us to feed his lambs.  We are working hard to live up to our commitment that “Everybody Eats!”

Luminaries!  The Midweek Refuel Team will be selling luminaries to light up your neighborhood for Christmas and to place around the church on Christmas Eve.  This a free-will offering with the proceeds going to continue our hunger work.  If you would like to purchase luminaries, you can pick up an order form at our lower-level doors or use this link  And hurry!  The orders are due by November 20. 

Prayer Vigil  November 22 at 6 pm.  Sadly by that date, more than 2000 people will have died in Iowa from Covid.  We will host a prayer vigil outdoors near our bell, reading names, and praying.  Bring a candle, wear a mask, plan to social distance, and join in this memorial service. It will be live-streamed so you can watch it from home too.  

And while we are talking about shelter, here’s something I have been thinking about.  Our health care and hospital workers must be exhausted.  I have been wondering how we might thank them and encourage them.  How can we give them shelter?  Any ideas?  I am grateful every day for the work they are doing.  How can we help?  Serving others--that is a refuge, too.  


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