Thursday, January 16, 2020

"Midweek and You’re Busy, Aren’t You? Pastor Trevor's Devotion 01/16/2020

You’re busy, aren’t you? I know you are. It’s true for a large majority of us across all ages. Even if you’re retired, you’re probably much busier than you expected you would be. Our society seems to suggest we should wear busyness as a badge of honor. After all, being super busy means we probably care about a lot of things. Caring is good.

BUT…. (And you knew the but was coming)… I don’t know who needs to hear this, but you can’t care about everything. Well, you at least can’t do something about everything you care about. Your heart is good but you only have so much energy. Limits are our friend.

I’ve been listening to this podcast by Rob Bell called the Robcast for the last few days. This is the same guy from those Nooma videos from the early 2000s that you may have watched. He’s also the guy who wrote the book we’ve been reading in confirmation called “What is the Bible? How an Ancient Library of Poems, Letters, and Stories Can Transform the Way You Think and Feel About Everything.” Rob Bell is someone who constantly challenges me to be better. I’ve listened to the first episode of this podcast four times in a row and I might listen to it a few more times before I move on to the second because I know that I desperately need to hear these words until they stick.

It is better to be fully present in a few things than to run ourselves so ragged that we aren’t present in the moments of our lives. We have to quit listening to our ego, the one that tells us we need to do things to be valuable, liked, or to avoid fear. Here’s a better truth: You are already valuable. Like, incredibly valuable. Your life is a precious, holy, sacred, gift that should be spent being the fully present, true you. Every breath is from the divine so don’t waste them trying to do all the things. The energies you’ve been given are to do your things and be you in the world. Maybe you have a fear that living this way is selfish, but I’m convinced that being you and do the few things that are you is a sacred and holy response to the life God has given you.

Maybe these words won’t hit you the same way they hit me but maybe you’ll notice that it’s time to let a few seasons come to an end in your life. I know there are some seasons wrapping up in mine and I also know it will be hard to let those go because I still care about them but I want to care more about being fully present in each moment. It takes courage to do a few things and do them well. Are you feel courageous today?
Pastor Trevor 
Pastor Trever Vaughn
West Des Moines United Methodist Church
702 Grand Ave.
West Des Moines, IA 50265

We worship on Sunday mornings at 8:30 in a traditional way and at 11 in a casual way. You are invited.  If you can’t make it to worship, watch our services at 8:30 live streaming on our website ( or our Facebook page.

Looking ahead:
Bar+Church Currently the 2nd and 4th Sundays at 1 pm at Twisted Vine!  Meet and be the church in the world. Not a typical church person? Then this space is especially for you.

Annual Meeting and Dinner February 1 We will thank our retiring leaders and consecrate our new leaders and set our course for the year ahead.  The meeting begins at 4:45 and supper follows at 6.   Childcare is available.  Reply to this email if you plan to attend. 

Women’s Retreat February 21.  We will be traveling to the Prairie Woods Retreat Center for 24 hours of soul bliss.  The retreat starts at 6 pm on Friday and ends at 6 pm on Saturday.  Contact Pastor Cindy or Morganne if you would like to go along.  The cost is $90 and scholarships are available.  Check out Prairie Woods at

NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Iowa will be having their annual legislative Day on the Hill on Tuesday, February 25th.  This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about, support, and advocate for mental health for all Iowans.

In addition, Dawn Grittmann will be participating in AFSP’s (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention) 25th Annual Overnight Walk in New York City on June 20th.  Dawn will be one of the thousands walking over 16 miles through the streets of New York City to help support and advocate for suicide prevention.  Walkers must raise at least 1000 dollars in order to participate.

If you are interested in learning more or in helping to support these events, please contact Dawn Grittmann at or call 641-777-2010.

New Member Class
Have you been thinking about joining the church? Pastor Cindy Hickman is hosting a new member class on Jan 21 at 7 pm.

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