Wednesday, January 22, 2020

"Midweek and I Have a Question" Pastor Cindy's Devotion 01/22/2020

Good morning friends!

I am pondering an important question and I need you to help me answer it.  Here’s the question.
Why God? 

A big question, right?  I want to hear your answers as to why God is in your life.  I want to hear your “because…”

The year 2020 is just getting started.  There are lots of challenges and opportunities and adventures to be had in the year ahead.  I think to make the most of our lives, we have to be intentional about what we do.   That is true of the church too.  There are lots of things we can do, but what should we do?  We need to have a “because" a reason why we do what we do. 

For example, each day the Little Food Pantry is stocked with food.  Why put food in the Little Food Pantry?  Because our neighbors are hungry.

On March 1, we plan to add an additional worship service.  Why disrupt Sunday morning and add an additional service?  Because we need to make space for more people to worship at WDMUMC.  (Stay tuned.  You will be hearing more about that.)

On Sunday mornings Sunday school teachers open the doors of classrooms on our third floor to teach children.  Why do that?  Because a whole new generation needs to know God.

We do all of this because we are people of faith because we are the church, formed by God.
And this leads back to the question:  Why God? 

What’s your “because…”?  Why is God in your life?

“Why God?” is our sermon topic for worship on February 2.  My sermon title is actually “Because…”  I need you to help me build that sermon.  Can you reply to this email and share your “because…”?  Hannah, our communications coordinator, will be creating the cover of our worship folder using your responses.  (So if you want to know what people said, you will need to come to worship that day!)  She will need your responses by Monday, January 27.

Why God?

(Here’s my “because”)

Because waking each morning and knowing God is in my life makes my life livable. 

That’s my “because.”  I’d like to hear yours.

Pastor Cindy
Pastor Cindy Hickman
West Des Moines United Methodist Church
720 Grand Avenue
West Des Moines, Iowa 50265

Like us on Facebook or visit us at

We worship on Sunday mornings at 8:30 in a traditional way and at 11 in a casual way.  You are invited!

And now, we are livestreaming our 8:30 worship service. 

Engage!  Here’s what’s happening at WDMUMC:
Midweek Refuel!  Suppers on at 5:30.  Walking Taco Bar, Chicken nuggets and jello cups!  Best deal in town!

A Conversation with the Bishop!  Sunday at 2:30-4 Bishop Laurie Haller is hosting a listening session at Walnut Hills UMC.

Chili Cook-Off!  We are joining Aldersgate United Methodist Church for a chili cookoff!  Sunday, January 26 at 5 pm at Aldersgate. Come and bring your best chili—or just come and bring your appetite.  Game on!  Let’s take the chili crown!  Contact Morganne for details!

Our Annual Meeting and Dinner Feb 1 at 4:45.  We are preparing for an exciting new year!  Come and join in the plans at our annual meeting and dinner.  We will thank our retiring leaders, consecrate our new leaders and share the state of the church.  Anything can happen in 2020 and we are preparing.  Simply rsvp to this email.

Mark Your Calendars!  Music and More on Grand Concert February 16.  Gina Gedler and our own Dan Hanze will share their amazing musical talents with us.  2 pm.

Follow Facebook for all the upcoming events.

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