Wednesday, November 6, 2019

"Midweek and Join in the Miracle" Pastor Cindy's Devotion 11/06/2019

Good morning!
Midweek Refuel is back in action tonight after taking a week off for Halloween.  Midweek is our opportunity for food, friends, learning, and music.  And here’s my advice:
Never pass up the opportunity to be part of a miracle.

Do you know the definition of a miracle?  Something mere humans could never do on their own.
This miracle began weeks ago recruiting people.  Lots and lots of people were asked can you help?  Can you bring cookies?  Would you be willing to wash dishes?  Set up tables? Take them down?  And lots of people said “yes.”  Miracle, step 1.  Miracles often begin with our willingness to be part of them.

In the last few days and all day today, chefs and cooks have been preparing turkey, potatoes, spinach salad, mac and cheese for the kids.  Hands slicing and peeling and lifting.  Sometimes miracles are in our hands.  

Tonight people will arrive.  Hopefully, you bringing family and friends.  People made in the image of God, filled with hopes and dreams and stories and struggles.  People, who by their presence, can cure loneliness, create possibilities, strengthen one another.  Miraculous creatures.

And Midweek isn’t just a meal.  At five pm, a group of adults gathers for bible study.  They call themselves “Happy Hour.”  High School youth meet at 6:15.  Upper Elementary kids call themselves the “Yada Yada Tween Team.”  They plot and plan on how they will grow as people of faith.  Parents and children, generations together, study faith together at “Midweek Connection.”  In all these ways, we experience the miracle of learning.  (You are invited!)

Music!  Voices!  Bells!  The beat of a drum.  Fingers dancing across a keyboard.  All of if finding its way into our ears and from there to our hearts.  Music is beauty and beauty heals us.  Miracle.  The music schedule appears below.  Calling all musicians!

And the result of all this?  Surrender to the miracle, and we are changed.  We see one another differently.  We carry one another with us and community builds.  We look at the world around us and find ways to share grace.

It’s God really that makes miracles possible.

So come tonight.  And be part of the miracle.

Blessings to you,
Pastor Cindy
Pastor Cindy Hickman
West Des Moines United Methodist Church
720 Grand Ave
West Des Moines, Iowa 50265

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We worship on Sunday mornings at 8:30 in a traditional way and at 11 in a casual way and we would love to worship with you.  And now!  We are live-streaming our 8:30 worship service!

This week at WDMUMC:
5:00 Happy Hour Bible Study
5:00 Jubilation Youth Bells
5:00 Christ Chimers Children’s Bell Choir
5:30 Children’s Choir
6:00 Praise Band
6:15 Youth Group
6:15 Wesley Ringers
6:30 Midweek Connection
6:30 Yada Yada Tween Team
7:00 The In-Between
7:30 Chancel Choir

Equality?  This Sunday we begin a new sermon series, Equality, a Dream Not Yet Realized.  In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote that “all men are created equal.”  Is that true?  In a world where we are so divided, are we equal?  And where does God stand on equality?  Let’s talk about it on Sunday.

Grand Thanksgiving!  This Sunday the Youth are serving up a Grand Thanksgiving meal!  Dinner starts at 11 am.  Bring a side or a dessert to share.  The free-will donation will support the summer mission trip.  Yumm!

Men’s Choir!  This Sunday the Men’s Choir will be sharing special music at the 8:30 service.  Come and enjoy it!

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