Monday, November 25, 2019

"Midweek and a Happy Thanksgiving" Pastor Cindy's Blog 11/25/2019

Happy Thanksgiving to you,

Today I simply want to share a prayer.

Lord of the Feast,

“Thank you” is too small a phrase for all that you have given us.  Our lives fill up to overflowing with your goodness.

Thank you for the people in our lives.  Grandmas and grandpas and aunts and uncles and cousins.  For the family recipes they shared.  Recipes for cranberry salad and peach pie.  Recipes for living.
Thank you for the food.  Oh, Lord!  What food!  Turkey and gravy.  Gravy, Lord!  Does gravy flow in fountains in heaven?  And mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes.  Cranberries, red and tart.  Pumpkin pie.  Pecan pie.  Only you could design a world where good food emerges from dirt.

Thank you for the table itself, the community it creates.  “Please pass the corn,” we say and from one set of hands to another, food is passed round and round.  Across the table, we look at one another.  Talk and laughter.  We smile as our plates fill and empty.  Sometimes we are silent, simply savoring the taste of it all.  Tables are holy.  No wonder you last blessed your disciples at a table.

Thank you for it all.  For the lavish sense of love that is Thanksgiving, for the way it opens our hearts to see it all as a gift.  The way turkey and gravy become grace and generosity.  The way we become thankful on a Thursday in November.

Thank you.  Amen

Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

Pastor Cindy
Pastor Cindy Hickman
West Des Moines United Methodist Church
720 Grand Ave
West Des Moines, Iowa 50265

Like us on Facebook or visit us at

On Sunday, we worship in a traditional way at 8:30 am and in a casual way at 11 am.  You are invited.  And now we are Livestreaming our 8:30 worship service. 

This week at WDMUMC:
What’s Your Advent Story?  This Sunday Advent begins. As we make our way to Christmas, we will celebrate Christ’s entry into the world.  At some point, Christ entered each of our lives.  Come and share in our sermon series "What’s Your Advent Story?"

Bar+Church Pastor Trevor will be leading Bar+Church at Twisted Vine Brewery on Sunday, December 1 at 1 pm.  Does faith take on a different perspective in a bar?  See you there. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

"Midweek and Discovering Violence in the Most Unlikely Place" Pastor Cindy's Devotion 11/20/2019

Good morning!
Every Tuesday at 4:30 a small group of people gathers in my office for #Just Read.  The name says it all.  We just read the bible for an hour.  We read a few verses, stop and talk about what it might mean, and then we read on.  There is no set group of people.  Whoever wants to drop by does.  We read through one book of the bible, chapter by chapter, and when we finish one, we start another.

Last night we were reading our way through the book of Joshua and it was painful.  Have you read Joshua lately?  Joshua and his army are preparing to settle in the Promise Land.  They make their way in destroying city after city, nation after nation.  Every person is killed.  “Slaughtered” is the word used in scripture (Joshua 10:10).  They “utterly destroyed all that breathed” (Joshua 40:40.)   And according to the writer of Joshua all of this happened because the Lord God of Israel commanded it. 

Ten of us were gathered in my office, and as we read this, we had to stop and from time to time and catch our breath.  No one in that circle would ever take part in such violence.  No one could condone it.  We tried to picture Jesus walking through the burned cities and lifeless bodies and we couldn’t. 

This led to lots and lots of really good questions:
Would God condone or even command such violence? 

What were Joshua and his men thinking that they could carry out such horrifying acts?

When we read the bible should we read it all as fact?  And if this is fact, what does it say about God?  

Is this a legend, an exaggeration, a means of bragging, about how powerful the Israelites were?

Do massacres like this still happen? 

Is it easier to accept violence when it is far away, out of our sight? 

And what would Jesus say or do if he stood in the middle of those cities and all that death?  

How deep is the potential for violence in each of us?

Thanksgiving is just a few days away and here’s what I am thankful for: 
  • People who can ask hard questions. 
  • People who can hold in tension horrifying violence and the merciful grace of Christ. 
  • People who can look to their own hearts and wonder how we are complicit in violence and how we partner with grace. 
  • People who will take what they have learned and pondered and allow it to form their lives and change their behavior.  
The world needs people like this.  The church needs people like this.  God needs people like this because the world is complicated.  

Next Tuesday we will be reading on through Joshua and all the while asking God “what do you want us to see here?”  You are invited. 

Blessings to you all,
Pastor Cindy
Pastor Cindy Hickman
West Des Moines United Methodist Church
720 Grand Avenue
West Des Moines, Iowa 50265

Like us on Facebook or visit us at wdmumc! 

We worship on Sunday mornings at 8:30 in a traditional way and at 11 in a casual way.  You are invited.  And we are now live streaming the 8:30 service!  Our technology is improving all the time!  Pretty excited about what is happening!

This week at WDMUMC:
Tonight!  Midweek Refuel and all our Wednesday night programming!  Supper is on at 5:30.  Tonight our cooks are serving up White Chili Chicken, cornbread and chicken nuggets for the kids.  Come for supper!

Visioning With the Bishop!  What will the United Methodist Church look like in the years to come?  Want to have input?  Bishop Laurie is holding a visioning meeting at 6:30 tonight at the conference center at 2301 Rittenhouse, Des Moines.  You are invited!

Equality, a Dream Not Yet Realized That’s our sermon series this month, and we are asking hard questions about how we can be so divided and unequal when God loves each of us completely.  What does that mean about how we live our lives?  See you on Sunday!

Equality Experiment!  Pastor Trevor is leading an Equality Experiment on Sunday morning at 10 a.m. in Heritage Hall.  Come on down and join as we experiment with just how equal we are. 

Living Lives of Abundance and Supporting Our Ministries!  If you have not yet made your pledge for 2020 and you would like to, call the church office for a pledge card.  Together we can make a difference. 

Thursday, November 14, 2019

"Midweek and We are Talking Equality" Pastor Cindy's Devotion 11/14/2019

In May our church council adopted a proclamation called “Everybody eats.” 

Our sermon series this month focuses on equality and that’s an equality statement: everybody eats.  We believe that everyone needs good, nutritious food to grow and thrive, and as followers of Jesus Christ, we are going to do everything we can to ensure that, as far as we are able, people have food. 

When it comes to equality, are there other things we believe everybody should have?  Should everybody
  • Breathe fresh air?
  • Have access to a good education?
  • Be able to live lives free from violence? 
Last spring I was in a museum in Chicago, and I ran across a statement from the CEO of a major corporation who said that access to clean water is not a basic human right.  I disagree.  Water flows from mountain tops through aquifers that God created.  Everybody should have access to clean water. 
As I think of all these things, I think of my grandchildren.  Do I want them to have nutritious food?  Fresh air? A good education?  A life free from violence?  Clean water?  Of course.  And if I want this for my grandchildren, then I have to want it for your grandchildren too, and for everyone’s grandchildren. 

How we get there, that’s another story. 

How do we, as the body of Christ, ensure that everybody has the basic things they need? This month we are struggling with that question.  It is a big, overwhelming question.

But it is not bigger than God. I believe that this was God’s intention from the beginning of time when the divine hand of God gave earth little shove and the world began spinning. In the enormous generosity of God, everyone was to have what they needed to live.  

The entire “Everybody eats” statement appears below. 

May your basic needs be met this day, and may we do all we can to meet the basic needs of others. 
Pastor Cindy
Pastor Cindy Hickman
West Des Moines United Methodist Church
720 Grand Avenue
West Des Moines, Iowa 50265

Like us on Facebook or visit us at

We worship on Sunday mornings at 8:30 in a traditional way and at 11 in a casual way.  We would love to worship with you.  And now we are livestreaming our 8:30 service!  Watch us online!

Everybody Eats! Proclamation

As Jesus Christ carried out his ministry, he cared for people, body, mind, and soul.  Again and again, he insisted that hungry people have the food they needed.  Food played a central role in his ministry. 

Jesus Christ ate with tax collectors.

Fed 5,000 and 4,000 on a hillside. 

Said that when we fed the least among us, we fed him. 

He raised a child from the dead and told her family to give her something to eat.

Told parables of banquets.

Taught us to pray for daily bread.

On the last night of his life, he shared a meal with his disciples and asked us to remember him always at a table together sharing bread and wine. 

His disciples recognized the Risen Christ in the breaking of bread.

The Risen Christ prepared a breakfast of grilled fish on the beach for his disciples.

And Jesus Christ expected his disciples to feed others. 

Because food was so important to Jesus Christ, West Des Moines United Methodist Church as a community of his followers, commit ourselves to ministries of feeding, addressing hunger in all the ways that we might, locally, nationally and internationally. 

To carry out our commitment to alleviating hunger, we will:
·         Recognize access to quality food as a basic human right.
·         Continue to support our direct hunger efforts, through our Little Pantry, Our Summer Feeding program and our partnership with Hillside Elementary. 

·         Partner with and support other groups who address hunger, such as Bidwell Riverside, West Des Moines Human Services, the Des Moines Hunger Hike, the Des Moines Area Religious Council, Meals from the Heartland and area businesses.     

·         And we will raise awareness about hunger by learning more about hunger and nutrition, and encouraging other groups and individuals to address hunger needs in their neighborhoods and communities.

·         We will do all that we can so that West Des Moines United Methodist Church is known as a church dedicated to the premise that everybody eats. 

Adopted by the church council of West Des Moines United Methodist Church on ____May 20, 2019___

This week at WDMUMC!
Children’s Choirs and Christ Chimers!  Our children will sing and play the chimes at our 8:30 service!  Come and enjoy it!

Bar+Church!  This Sunday Bar+Church will meet at 1 pm at Twisted Vine Brewery.  Come and join in this new “twist” on church.  Pastor Trevor will meet you there. 

Calling all Actors!  Like to ham it up?  On December 7th, we will be joining with Aldersgate United Methodist Church in family advent fun and we need actors of all ages!  These are easy parts re-telling the Christmas story.  This is a wonderful way to teach our children the meaning of Christmas.  Will you help tell the story?  Contact Morganne, our Christian Education director. 

The Human Sexuality Conflict in the United Methodist Denomination Yesterday Bishop Laurie Haller, who leads the Iowa Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, issued a statement in response to the prohibitions regarding same-sex marriages and the ordination of LGBTQ persons.  Follow this link to learn more.