Wednesday, May 22, 2019

"Rise Up! It's Midweek" Pastor Cindy's Devotion 05/22/2019

Good morning!

Last week Dave and I and friends traveled to Chicago to see the musical Hamilton.  Have you seen it?  It is something of a phenomenon.  It is the story of Alexander Hamilton, one of the founders of the United States.  Hamilton began his life as an orphan in the Caribbean, fought alongside George Washington in the Revolutionary War, later served as the Secretary of the Treasury, founded the Coast Guard, and played an important role in the creating the form of government we now have.
Hamilton might have been a name fading in the history books, except Lin-Manuel Miranda, a young composer, and playwright of Puerto Rican descent read about Hamilton and was inspired to write a musical about his life.

And not just any musical, hip-hop, rap, R&B, traditional-show-tunes musical.  Miranda cast it with mostly non-white actors.  It all sounds improbable, but it is a huge success.  Millions of people have seen it and loved it.  (A young friend of mine has seen it seven times!)  It is the story of courage, commitment, betrayal, loss, forgiveness, and love, with a good dose of history thrown in.  If you would like to listen to a bit of it, this link will take you to the music from Hamilton

I loved it.  The musical was as good as the acclaim it has received.  But it wasn’t just the performance that impressed me.  As we walked around Chicago, I was impressed by how much the musical has changed the lives of people.  As a result of this musical, tens of thousands of people are employed.  We visited a Hamilton exhibit where dozens of people work.  We ate at a restaurant across the street from the theater.  We stayed at a hotel nearby.  Both employing people because of this musical.  Hamilton has been performed in New York City, Chicago, Puerto Rico, London, and by a touring company across the United States.  It amazes me that the imagination of one man telling a story, singing songs, can have such an impact.  Hamilton the musical has inspired people, but it has also put food on their tables and paid their rent.  Miranda was 29 years old when he began this project.
To all that I find myself saying “Wow, God!”  How you have equipped us to affect the world around us!  What a difference one person’s life can make.  We don’t all have the musical genius of Miranda, but we all have something of love and beauty in us, something that can make the lives around us better.

When I served at WDMUMC 1.0, (I was first appointed here in 2003 and served here until 2008.  Then I was gone for 9 years serving other churches.  I was appointed here again in 2017.  I am now in my 2.0).  I was visiting with someone who said they liked to make cupcakes.  That did not particularly seem like a ministry, but it became one.  The cupcake idea became a Valentines Day ministry to persons in our church who were home-bound.   The cupcakes were beautiful and carefully packaged.  We delivered them individually, staying to visit when we were invited.  The day we spent delivering cupcakes is a day I will always remember.

We all have some sort of serving phenomenon in us, some sort of purpose God needs in the world.  We probably won’t win a Tony award or receive lots of accolades.  Our serving phenomenon may seem small.  You may already be doing yours, caring for a neighbor, writing notes of encouragement, hammering on a Habitat house, or listening to a teen when they need to talk.  Sometimes it is as simple as accepting and welcoming the people around us.   

The thing is our brains, our souls, inspired by the goodness of God, make a difference in the world around us.  This year we are praying: God, today let me faithfully live your story for my life, my church, and my community.  Where might God’s story take us?

One song from Hamilton encourages us to “Rise up!”  May we discover how much God has placed in us and in big and small ways, rise up!

Pastor Cindy
Pastor Cindy Hickman
West Des Moines United Methodist Church
720 Grand Avenue
West Des Moines, Iowa 50265

We worship on Sunday mornings at 8:30 in a traditional way and at 11 in a casual way.  We would love to worship with you.

Like us on Facebook or visit us at

Tonight at WDMUMC:
Picnic Tonight!  At Raccoon River Park at 5:30.  We are celebrating!  There will be walking tacos and pulled pork sandwiches.  It’s a potluck—so bring what you like to make.  Games and fun. After supper, Pastor Cindy is hiking around the lake (3 miles) and she would like you to join her.

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