Saturday, February 23, 2019

"A Prayer for the Future and More News" Pastor Cindy's Devotion 02/20/2019

Good morning!
Delegates representing United Methodist Churches (UMC) from around the world are gathering in St Louis February 23-26 in a special session of the General Conference of the United Methodist Church.

For the last several years, the United Methodist Church has been grappling with issues surrounding human sexuality.  Currently, the policies of the UMC prohibit the ordination of “practicing” gay persons.  It also prohibits our clergy from conducting same-sex unions and same-sex unions cannot be held in our churches.  Gay persons are welcome in all other aspects of the UMC.  This is a divisive issue.

Several years ago the UMC created A Commission on the Way Forward.  This group has studied scripture, held Christian conferencing with many groups, and prayed and prayed and prayed.  They have created several proposals for a way forward for the UMC, including continuing to adhere to current policies or removing all references to human sexuality in our policies.  Traditionalists, centrists, and progressives have all come to the table.  Beyond all this is the big question: can the United Methodist Church remain “united”?  And perhaps the question, “should the church remain united when positions differ so widely?”

The delegates in St Louis will have the task of deciding what direction to take.  It is a daunting task.
You are educated, informed, faithful people and I am guessing that you already have an opinion on this.  I do.

I am using this moment to think about how my opinions form.  Why do I believe the way I do?

I review the scriptures.  “God looks on the heart.”  1 Samuel 16:7.

I think about the world I have grown up in, how my world view has been formed.  Where and how I have experienced God in the journey of my life?

I think about the people I love, the gift of relationship that I understand as God’s great design.

I think about my own heart.  How often I have sung “Change my heart O God.  Make it ever true.”  Is there room in my heart for those who I disagree with?  In what ways can my heart change?

I think about our church.  I marvel that God has put all this in our hands and asked us, imperfect- complicated us, to be the church and care for God’s people in this time and place.
Here in Iowa, our bishop, Bishop Laurie Haller, has asked us to pray the prayer below for the special conference.

I would ask that you pray this throughout the days of the conference.  If you would like to follow the work of the conference you can go to for news, Livestream and to subscribe to daily updates.

Pray for us, that we might be faithful in all things.

Every blessing to you,
Pastor Cindy
Pastor Cindy Hickman
West Des Moines United Methodist Church
720 Grand Avenue
West Des Moines, Iowa 50265

Like us on Facebook or visit us at
We worship at 8:30 and 11 and we would love to worship with you.

Bishop Laurie’s prayer:
Dear God, thank you for your children here in Iowa. Thank you for the tens of thousands of United Methodists across the state who are now in prayer for this General Conference. As clergy and laity, we have surrendered ourselves to your will, and we are seeking an outpouring of the Holy Spirit to descend upon the delegates as they pray for wisdom and guidance.

We thank you for your children around the world who claim the name United Methodist and are living lives of commitment and servanthood. And we are especially mindful of our LGBTQ brothers and sisters, whose faith, ministries, and lives will be affected by whatever decisions are made.
Lord, we know that you love each one of us unconditionally, and you want us to be witnesses to the world. You desire for us to be examples of hope, peace, and grace for one another in the midst of our differences. And so, O God, we ask that you would open doors for The United Methodist Church, that we would seek to remain united so that we can best fulfill your mission that we make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

We remember the prayer that Jesus shared during the Lord’s Supper, “I pray they will be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. I pray that they also will be in us so that the world will believe that you sent me.” God, help us to be sensitive and kind to one another, for we yearn to reach the entire world so that all people will know that your name is Love.

Lord, may we be attuned to your Holy Spirit in the days ahead, so that everything we do and say and decide will be pleasing to you and bring glory to your name. Amen.

In other news, I have been alerted that someone is sending out emails in my name asking for gift cards or money.  Note:  I will never ask you for money for my needs via mail or texts.  Do not respond to those requests.

What’s up at WDMUMC:
Preschool Science Fair! Calling all preschoolers and their parents!  On Saturday, Feb 23 from 9-11 WDMUMC Preschool is hosting a science fair here at the church and you are invited.  Lots of science and sensory-based activities for children.  It’s all free and fun.  Great way to beat cabin fever!

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