Wednesday, August 30, 2017

"Thoughts While on the Steps" - Pastor Cindy's Devotional - August 30, 2017

Yesterday I sat on the Grand Avenue steps of the church and ate my lunch.  The weather was beautiful.  Cars and trucks drove by and I watched and enjoyed the time. 

That is pretty much my midweek for this week.  I just sat and took in the world around me. 

I am worried about the people in Houston and the horrible flooding. 

I officiated at a funeral this week and I feel the grief of friends and family.  I will attend another funeral on Friday

I am thinking about the future of our church, what I will preach this Sunday and in the weeks that followed.  We are ordering Advent bulletins.  I met with a confirmation leader to make plans. 

The violence and divisiveness in our country breaks my heart and I want to find my place in building peace. 

All of this and more is on my mind and on my desk.  As a disciple, it is my job to work and serve and build the kingdom God dreams of. 

But if I don’t take time and look at the world around me and take it in in all its beauty, I will lose track of why I do what I do.  It is this thing called “sabbath” that God gave us.  Sabbath is holy time to rest and enjoy and refuel.  Without it, work is simply work and our lives are a rush of to do lists.  Sabbath restores our “why.”  Why work?  Why serve?  Why pray for the people of Houston?  Why work toward peace? 

Because yesterday at noon, God sat with me on the Grand Avenue steps and I heard God sigh, “Isn’t this a good world?”  And a holy yes poured into my soul. 

And then I went back to work, reminded again of why I work. 

My prayer for you today:  that you have a time of Sabbath and that the holy yes finds you. 

Every blessing,

Pastor Cindy

Pastor Cindy Hickman
West Des Moines United Methodist Church
720 Grand Avenue
West Des Moines Iowa 50265
We worship at 8:30 and 11 on Sundays and we would love to worship with you.

Visit us at or like us on facebook.

This week at West Des Moines United Methodist Church
On Sunday in worship we look at just what God is promising when God says “see I am making all things new.”  Come and join in the conversation.

Thursday night at 6 Pastor Cindy will be talking about “What Makes a Methodist a Methodist” with people interested in learning more about the United Methodist Church.  You are invited. 

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