Monday, December 17, 2012

Preparing the Way

Does this remind you of John the Baptist?

Listen to the sermon here: 

In the Gospel  of Luke, the stated purpose of its writing seems to be that of clarifying the stories and events so as to give us the facts.  Chapter 3 gives us several facts as a basis for introducing John the Baptist and his message "preparing the way" for the One who would be following him.  Today Dr. Daniel picked up that message of John the Baptist, who declared, "I have a message from the Lord" -- a message of repentance.  John the Baptist was an interesting character.  His appearance and dress was unique and his diet strange.  But his message was clear and was from God!  During Advent many of us are busy putting up our Christmas trees and lights, and wrapping presents in preparation of the Christmas Day celebration.  There are three things John the Baptist declares that we also consider in our preparation:  1.  "Repent!"  As in that day, so is it today, an important message, but one which some find offensive.  It means, "turn around" -- we're walking one way, and the call is to do a 180 and turn around and walk the other way -- God's way.  It calls on us to have a "different kind of Christmas."  2.  Repentance leads to, and becomes a commitment to, righteous living.  It's a complete turnaround.  We align with God.  3.  We open ourselves to receive God's grace, mercy, and love in our lives.  It's hard for us to fully comprehend the depth of God's love for us.  In his book, A Different Kind of Christmas, Mike Slaughter calls it a scandalous love -- a shocking love.  A holy and righteous God is attracted to sinners!  What we want to do and must do is throw ourselves at the mercy and love of this kind of God.  Jesus basically says, "Give me your sins!"  So as we prepare for our celebration, let's be sure to include the act of repentance and leaning on this great love God offers us in His Son, Jesus!

Gene Kelsey, Director of Christian Education

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