Wednesday, December 11, 2019

"Midweek and God Says, 'I Will'." Pastor Cindy's Devotion 12/11/2019

Good morning--
Christmas is amazing, don’t you think?

God decided to be with us.  Through the entry of Christ into the world, God seemed to say…
When you marvel at the mystery of birth,
I will be with you.
When the beauty of the night sky amazes you,
I will be with you.  
When you step down into the waters of baptism,
I will be with you.
When you call to friends to join you in the journey,
I will be with you. 
When you admire the beauty of the lilies of the field,
I will be with you.
When you feel like singing like Mary,
I will be with you.
When powerful people reject you,
I will be with you. 
When you feel weak and vulnerable,
I will be with you.
When others reject you, or shame you,
I will be with you.
When you stand up for the weak and the vulnerable and the rejected and the shamed,
I will be with you.  
When you picnic on a hillside with more bread and fish than you can imagine,
I will be with you.
When your heart aches for peace or when you long for the courage,
I will be with you.
When you doubt,
I will be with you. 
When you go off to a quiet place to pray,
I will be with you.  
When your child is sick, or your brother is sick, or you are sick,
I will be with you.
When you take your last breath,
I will be with you.

God with us, wherever life takes us.  God beside us, that we might be beside God.  Christmas is amazing, don’t you think?

Advent blessings,
Pastor Cindy
Pastor Cindy Hickman
West Des Moines United Methodist Church
720 Grand Avenue
West Des Moines, Iowa  50265

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On Sunday mornings we worship in a traditional way at 8:30 and in a casual way at 11.  You are invited!  You can also catch our 8:30 service on live streaming!  This Sunday we will be looking at the Advent story in Luke.  Mary sings her way into advent!  Do you have a song? 

Christmas Eve Services!  
5 pm Family Worship with a Christmas pageant!
8 pm Traditional Worship.
Both services include Candlelight Singing of "Silent Night"

Coming Up at WDMUMC:
Midweek Refuel Tonight!  Supper at 5:30!  A summer picnic inside with grilled hamburgers!  At 6:30 I will be joining our children and families program to talk about prayer.  Join in!

Charlies Filling Station Food Drive for the Little Pantry!  Thursday evening The Filling Station is hosting a food drive for our Little Pantry.  Enjoy! 

Children’s Christmas Program On Sunday at 4 pm our children will share the Christmas story.  Come and support and encourage our children as they learn about our faith. 

All Church Christmas Breakfast December 20th at 6:30 am  The entire church is invited to a Christmas Breakfast!  Breakfast will be followed by a special guest speaker, Nick Kuhn. Nick and his wife Lynn formed the "Justice League of Food."  This non-profit works with homeless youth teaching them job and life skills, and culinary arts.  Here at wdmumc, we are committed to Everybody eats.  This is an exciting food program.  Come and enjoy it!  You can make a reservation by replying to this email or calling the church at 279-0826. 

Blue Christmas For some people the holiday season is a sad time with memories of grief.  Our Stephen Ministers have put up a blue Christmas tree in the cafe. This tree is a place to acknowledge our grief.  There are blue ornaments available.  You can write the name of a loved one on an ornament and hang it on the tree.  On Sunday, December 22 at 4 pm, the Stephen Ministers will host a special worship service for those who are grieving.  This is a meaningful service for those facing loss. You are invited.

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