Wednesday, May 15, 2019

"Midweek and Time for a Big Reveal" Pastor Cindy's Devotion 05/15/2019

Good morning everyone!

What does generosity look like?

Today is the last MidWeek Refuel!  (Next week we will celebrate the end of the year with a picnic in Raccoon Park at 5:30! Everyone is invited!)   

Midweek Refuel has been a ministry of generosity.  No one is required to pay any particular amount for supper.  Instead, we are all invited to simply be generous in response to God’s generosity to us.  Of course, we can never repay God for all that God has done.

Generosity has this curious way of created more opportunity for generosity.  Midweek Refuel has received more money than it needs to provide meals for us, so it is going in beyond our doors and providing food for hungry children and their families in our neighborhood.

Last summer our church provided fruit for children every Friday in Legion Park in conjunction with the West Des Moines Schools Summer meal program.  The Booster Pak Program, a voluntary group, provided weekend packs so the children would have food over the weekend.  This year the Booster Pak program has turned the weekend packs over to us, so under the leadership of Janet Hayes and lots of big-hearted volunteers, we will be in Legion Park and at Crestview Elementary every Friday throughout the summer providing weekend packs of food and fruit.  The team is projecting that we will hand out 1600 packs of food over the summer.  The packs will include peanut butter, fruit cups, cereal, and more.  And we will again give the children fresh fruit.   Janet and team have carefully reviewed options to provide the most nutritious and cost-effective packs.  Each weekend pack will cost around $5.  (You can do the math!)  It will cost approximately $100 per week to provide fruit.
$5 to feed a child over the weekend.

Who are these children?  They mostly come from working families whose paychecks don’t cover the cost of housing and food.  Lots and lots of children are hungry in the Des Moines area.  The West Des Moines Schools and The Des Moines Schools are aware of the problem. They know how many children rely free and reduced lunches based on family income during the school year, and they know that in the summer these children still need food.  So during the summer, they provide lunch in parks and at schools during the week. On the weekend, no meals are provided.  That’s where we come in.
I think hunger is a problem that has snuck up on us.  I know I was not aware of the extent of the problem.  I am glad that our church is a part of the solution.  Food for a child is essential for body and brain growth.

Our Church Council meets on Monday night.  The Missions team is presenting a proposal to the council that our church makes the commitment that everybody eats and that we will do all that we can to address hunger.  We are sometimes known as “The Church of the Last Supper.”  Perhaps we can become known as the church that ensures that everyone has supper.

So tonight is the big reveal.  How much money have we raised?  How has God’s generosity flowed through our hearts and now how will it flow into the community?

A huge thank you to all the Midweek Refuel Teams who have bought groceries and prepared salads and desserts and cooked amazing food and served and washed dishes and loved us in this last year.  You are delicious people!

Supper is on at 5:30!  Come and see what generosity looks like.

Every blessing to you,
Pastor Cindy
Pastor Cindy Hickman
West Des Moines United Methodist Church
720 Grand Avenue
West Des Moines, Iowa 50265

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We worship on Sunday at 8:30 in a traditional way and at 11 in a casual way.  You are invited!

This week at WDMUMC:
Suppers On!  The last Midweek Refuel Supper is tonight at 5:30.

Music Appreciation!  This Sunday in our worship services, our musicians will celebrate the ministry of music.  Come and let the music fill your heart!  Read Psalm 96 to prepare!

Mental Health Forum This Sunday between services at 10 am, Dawn Grittman will lead a conversation about mental health.  How do we care for our mental health and the mental health of those we love?  Let’s talk!

Reconciling Ministries On Sunday evening at 5 pm, Char Walton is gathering people would like to see the United Methodist Church become more inclusive.  Becoming a reconciling group is the first step.  You are invited.  If you are supportive but unable to attend, let Char know.

Congratulations to the 4 years in our preschool who "graduated" last night!  And a big thank you to our Preschool Staff and Teachers for a great year!

A New (Familiar) Face Around Our Church Our night custodian, Paul Gesell is recovering from shoulder surgery.  While he is gone, Dave Miller is stepping in to cover for him.  Dave may be new to some of you, but for many, he may be familiar.  He has worked here in the evening in the past.  Greet him when you see him.  Get well, Paul!  And thank you, Dave, for stepping in! 

Babies!  Pastor Trevor and his wife Bri had a new baby girl yesterday.  Pastor Trevor will be joining us as our associate on July 1.

Dr. Jones and his wife have a new baby boy who was born a week ago.  Dr. Jones is the principal at Hillside Elementary.

Kylie and Kris Constant have a new baby girl – Grace Michelle.

Cuddle time! 

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