Wednesday, March 28, 2018

"I'm Giddy this Week" Pastor Cindy's Devotion 03/28/18

Good morning!

I am not sleeping very well this week.  There are six worship services between Thursday and Sunday!  Lots of details to attend to.  But that is not what is keeping me awake at night.

I am just plain excited.  Like a kid-before-Christmas-excited. Giddy.

It started last Saturday when the prayer team hosted a 24-hour prayer vigil at the church and camped all night in the prayer room praying for our church.  I couldn’t sleep that night either.  So I just laid awake and thought about the people praying at church and smiled.

And then came Sunday, Palm Sunday and the palm parade.  Did I mention that I love Palm Sunday?  Many thanks to the amazing, enthusiastic children who paraded at both services to celebrate the day!  You rock!

All this week our staff is working hard to prepare the church for Easter. I am excited about their excitement about their work.

Charlie’s Filling Station brought us two big loads of groceries this week and a cash gift for our Little Pantry.  Generosity is always exciting.  Feeding hungry people is super exciting.  Meeting new people and sharing ministry with them–to-the-moon exciting!

Thursday the men of the church will tell the stories of the disciples in the Last Supper Drama.  Are they nervous about performing?  I don’t know.  I am excited.

Friday in our Good Friday service or hearts will descend into the depths of Jesus’ pain and sorrow.  A painful and heart-breaking sort of excitement.

And then SUNDAY!  Easter Sunday. Lilies and trumpets and bells.

I am excited about the blurry-eyed 6:30 am service when the sun will rise and the Son will rise.
I am excited about 8:30 and 10:30 worship services and the Hallelujah chorus we will all sing just because sometimes you have to let loose and sing “Hallelujah.”

And more than all this I am excited about that empty tomb and the stone rolled away and the light that comes streaming in.  I am excited about what that means in my life and yours. The places that feel like tombs, mistakes I’ve made, hurt I have felt and hurts I have inflicted, relationships that have broken up and broken down and ache for healing. All those tombs are open and the fresh air of grace can bring healing.  I am excited that the stones of judgment, cynicism, hatred, greed, prejudice, all those heavy boulders we heave at one another, can be rolled away.

And the light of the resurrection.  The Risen Christ standing with us and for us.  Who could have seen that coming?  You know what this means?  Anything is possible.  ANYTHING!
So I can’t wait and I can’t sleep and I am excited.  (I’ll sleep next week.)

See you Sunday.

Every Easter blessing to you,

Pastor Cindy
Pastor Cindy Hickman
West Des Moines United Methodist Church
720 Grand Avenue, West Des Moines, IA 50265

This week at WDMUMC
Wednesday Night Live TONIGHT!  Supper at 5:30.  Rehearsals, youth group, confirmation and more.  The Praise band is growing!  Want to be a part of it?  6:15 p.m. in the Friendship Room.

Last Supper Drama Thursday at 7 pm.  Hear the stories of the disciples and share communion with them.

Good Friday Worship at 7 pm.  A solemn service of scripture and music.

Easter Sunday Worship!    Sunrise service 6:30 am.  Traditional Services in the Sanctuary at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m.

Praise be to God!  I am excited!

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