Monday, December 3, 2012

Giving up on Perfect

Listen to the sermon here: 

"Giving Up on Perfect."  The Gospel of Luke does such a great job giving us a "behind the scenes" look at some of the circumstances leading up to Jesus' birth.  So often when we think of the Christmas story, we think of the sanitized version, and often overlook the messy part.  Not only did an angel, Gabriel, appear -- it was an appearance to a very young virgin.  Despite the angel's message of "good news", Mary was confused -- perplexed.  Her mind must have been racing, trying to figure out what was happening.  She didn't understand.  Pregnant out of wedlock?  This was shaping up to be a mess -- a hot mess!  Not what she would have expected to be part of hers and Joseph's developing relationship!  The really good news was that this emerging story had an "X" factor -- God!!  This year we want to have a different kind of Christmas!  We want to make sure we shift our focus to Jesus, reflecting God's love into our plans, expectations, and relationships!  In Mary's case, the presence of God was key!  And the same is true for us!  Let's make space for God, and be aware of God's presence in all that we plan and do, especially this Christmas!  Thanks again, Pastor Jen, for bringing this important reminder and challenge last Sunday!

Gene Kelsey, Director of Christian Education

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