Monday, September 22, 2014

Celebrating Our 60th Anniversary

On Sunday, September 21 we celebrated the 60th anniversary of the move of West Des Moines United Methodist to it's current site at 8th and Grand Ave.  The following is the prayer that was given by Mike Powers to commemorate the day.

Dear Lord

Sixty years ago, our predecessors stood on this site after completing their march up the hill.  Their march took them from a location where they had worshipped you and lived as good servants of Your will.  But they also knew that to enable the church to grow and spread the good news of your Word that a sacrifice was called for on their part.  That sacrifice was manifested not only in their selfless contributions of time and money but also a willingness to take a risk and embrace change for the benefit of those to follow them.   

We are the beneficiaries of the sacrifices that they made.  Today we honor the legacy which we have inherited from them and others who have come before us. 
We thank you Lord for inspiring the work of your servants in the past which not only allows us to enjoy this beautiful church but has also propelled our mission to change lives in your Name.

We pray that just as the sacrifices that our predecessors made have benefited us, let us be willing to make sacrifices to help other people whether they be in need of food, shelter, clothing, education, medical care or compassion.

We place our trust in you Lord that you may enable us to remember and honor our heritage but at the same time maintain our focus on the future and be open to looking for new ways in which to carry forward the Good News of Your Word.

Thank you Lord for this beautiful church and all of the blessings you have bestowed upon us. We realize a church is more than just a building.  The real essence of a church is the spirit of the people who gather in your Name to worship together, to pray together, to have fun together and to grow together.  Lord give us the collective wisdom to ascertain how we can best move forward together and use the gifts we have received to benefit those who will follow us.  By doing so we will truly honor You and those who have come before us.
